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Terms of Service

1. Coach-Client Relationship – Duties & Responsibilities. A business and/or life coaching relationship is a partnership between two or more individuals or entities. This relationship is not a legal partnership, instead moreso a teacher-student or coach-athlete relationship. Each party must uphold their obligations for the coaching relationship to be successful.
A. Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and suggestions, and to fully engage and devote himself/herself to the coaching process.
B. Client agrees to immediately and clearly communicate any issues or concerns regarding the program or the results obtained through the program.
C. Client agrees to have a full blood work panel done as well as a hormone blood test panel before entering competition prep. Any areas that do not fall within the “normal range” must be communicated to the Coach.
D. Client agrees to contact a primary physician, specialist, or nurse practitioner, as well as the Coach in the event of an injury or any other health concerns.
E. Client acknowledges and agrees that coaching is a comprehensive process that may explore different areas of his/her life, including work, finances, health and relationships, but it is ultimately the Client’s decision how he/she incorporates coaching into each aspect of life.
F. Client is solely responsible for the decision to implement or not implement the techniques discovered through coaching.

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